Project information

  • Category: Wide Scanning
  • Client: City Municipality
  • Project date: 01 March, 2022
  • Project Details:  18,000 blueprints & maps

Maps / Blueprints

5 Reasons to Scan Maps & Blueprints

Preserving maps and blueprints can have several benefits, including:

  1. Historical value: Maps and blueprints can provide valuable insights into the history of a region, city, or country. Preserving old maps and blueprints can help us understand how a place has evolved over time, and can provide important information about past settlements, transportation routes, and land use patterns. They can also shed light on the history of architecture and engineering.

  2. Cultural heritage: Maps and blueprints can be an important part of a community's cultural heritage. They can provide a sense of identity and help people connect to their history and ancestors. Preserving blueprints of historic buildings, for example, can help us better understand the architectural styles and techniques of past eras.

  3. Environmental management: Maps can be an essential tool for environmental management, helping us to understand the geography and natural resources of a region. Blueprints can also provide valuable information about the construction of buildings and infrastructure, which can help us assess the environmental impact of development projects.

  4. Economic value: Maps and blueprints are often used in business and tourism to help people navigate and find their way around. Accurate and up-to-date maps and blueprints can be valuable assets for businesses and organizations that rely on geographic and architectural data.

  5. Scientific research: Maps and blueprints can be used in scientific research to study a wide range of topics, from climate change and geology to urban planning and transportation. Preserving maps and blueprints can ensure that this valuable information is available for future research.

Overall, preserving maps and blueprints can help us better understand our world, our history, our environment, and our built environment. By protecting and maintaining these important documents, we can ensure that they continue to be a valuable resource for generations to come.

How System451 helps preserve documents:

Data drives every organization. System451 provides digital imaging services.  This gives you digital files that contain the information you need to make essential decisions.

Scanning documents to a digital format creates valuable room for other assets or lets you use less space. Whether it’s bulk scanning services or smaller projects, finding the right solution and getting everything done can take a lot of time and resources. The less time spent searching equals more time for pushing business innovation boundaries.

These files are valuable if they are timely, accurate and accessible. We transform your paper documents into digital images such as TIF, JPG or searchable PDF. We use only the best document scanners that ensure consistent image production without damaging your sensitive documents,

System451 transforms millions of documents every year.  We offer all types of services, covering old files, continuation of ongoing receipt of paper, and upload data entry services to keep you up to date. We have paperless sustaining programs, backfile scanning, and day forward solutions for handling the daily receipt of mail. We have a range of equipment and personnel to handle all of your paper scanning.

File Naming: Data entry, indexing or metadata creation all follow the same quality process which is identifying critical data elements and converting them into usable digital files. System451 takes your documents and transform them into accurate digital files.

OCR, restoration, large scale, blueprints, maps are all part of our variety of services   We also provide digital storage/backup options, domestic or offshore data entry and keying. Your documents are handled by our qualified and experienced project managers.

Returning Data Files to Clients

Returning data is tailored to your needs.

  • System451 Secure Cloud Server - Vault451
  • Data export to your system(s)
  • External SSD Hard Drive
  • USB Thumb Drive
  • DVD/CD

We utilize your preferred method for the smoothest transport of your data. We are able to leap into future technology as well as being comfortable with older technology.

System451 transforms millions of documents every year. Backfile scanning, paperless maintenance programs, day forward initiatives or handling the daily receipt of paper or mail, we have a range of equipment and personnel to handle all of your paper scanning.